

Basic Google Map embed. More map patterns can be found at Evolution-Patterns.

map embed

To embed a basic Google Map, create a custom embed on Google Maps by clicking on the 'share' icon, and paste the associated <iframe> tag in your layout. Add a size class such as view-tall-half, making sure to change the <iframe> width and height attributes to 100% so it fills the container.

gray map embed

This is a desaturated Google Map embed, with scrollwheel disabled. Use the image-grayscale-100 and map-no-scroll classes, along with the onClick event. See code example for proper format.

gray map image

This is a desaturated map image. Remove the image-grayscale class if you do not want the image to be desaturated. See code example for proper format. map-center will place a default map image into the box. The default image can be changed in _evo_variables.scss.

map-offset will place a default map image into the box, that appears to have the pin dropped on the left half. The default image can be changed in _evo_variables.scss.