
Image Placeholder

Placeholder image backgrounds for <img /> or <div> tags. Default images are from unsplash.


<img class="evo-image image-ratio-16-9 image-fpo" />

FPO placeholder image is defined in the _evo_variables.scss file. Combine the image-fpo class with evo-image, and the image-size-[number] or image-ratio-[number] class. The default image file is named fpo.jpg and may be located at../../image/fpo.jpg.


<img class="evo-image image-ratio-16-9 image-random" />

Generates a random square placeholder image pulled from unsplash.com, that loads with each browser refresh. Combine the image-random class with evo-image, and the image-size-[number] or image-ratio-[number] class. The default randomizer URL is https://unsplash.it/1024/963?random