
Icon Form

Icon treatments for commonly used form input types and utility classes. Input types include search, URL, email, and password. See the form type page for more information.


<input type="search" name="search" placeholder="Evo Search Placeholder" class="evo-form evo-form-padding evo-form-box form-icon-search box-square" />

Add the form-icon-search class to apply this icon.

<input type="search" name="search" placeholder="Evo Search Placeholder" class="evo-form evo-form-padding form-padding-left evo-form-box form-icon form-icon-left form-icon-search box-square" />

Apply the form-padding-left and form-icon-left classes to align the icon to the left side of the field.


<input type="url" name="url" placeholder="Evo URL Placeholder" class="evo-form evo-form-padding evo-form-box form-icon form-icon-arrow" />

Add the form-icon and form-icon-arrow classes to apply this icon.


<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Evo Email Placeholder" class="evo-form evo-form-padding evo-form-box form-icon form-icon-email" />

Add the form-icon and form-icon-email classes to apply this icon.

<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Evo Email Placeholder" class="evo-form evo-form-padding evo-form-box form-icon form-icon-chevron" />

Add the form-icon and form-icon-chevron classes to apply this icon. form-icon-triangle will apply the triangle icon.


<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Evo Password Placeholder" class="evo-form evo-form-padding evo-form-box form-icon form-icon-lock" required />

Add the form-icon and form-icon-lock classes to apply this icon.

<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Evo Password Placeholder" class="evo-form evo-form-padding evo-form-box form-icon form-icon-eye" required />

Add the form-icon and form-icon-eye classes to apply this icon. form-icon-eye-slash will apply the icon with a slash through it.

Form Icon Utilities

Image background utility classes for forms, to help adjust the positioning and fit of background icons. To adjust icon size, see .

Form Mix

<input type="text" name="text" placeholder="Text Input" class="evo-form padding-10 padding-left-2 evo-box box-0 evo-box-bottom box-bottom-thin box-bottom-gray-14 form-icon form-icon-chevron" />

<input type="url" name="url" placeholder="URL Input" class="padding-10 padding-left-2 evo-box box-0 evo-box-bottom box-bottom-thin box-bottom-gray-14 form-icon form-icon-arrow width-full" />

<div class="evo-position">
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Enter email address" class="evo-form evo-form-padding evo-box-top evo-box-left evo-box-right box-top-0 box-left-0 box-right-0 form-icon form-icon-chevron" />
<input type="submit" class="margin-right-5 position-right z-2 ghost-to-ghost-color button-box-none box-0 box-corner width-auto button-padding-thin text-size-8" value=" " />

A transparent button is in the layer above the form. The chevron is an icon within the form background. The box edges have been removed except for the bottom line.

<div class="evo-position">
<input type="search" id="search" placeholder="Search" class="evo-form evo-form-padding evo-box-bottom box-bottom-thin box-top-0 box-right-0 box-left-0 box-square margin-bottom-3 form-icon form-icon-search" />
<label class="text-size-3 gray-15 text-tracking-8 text-uppercase" for="search">Enter your search term.</label>

Minimalist search input form with label below acting as instruction.

<div class="evo-position">
<input type="search" name="search" placeholder="Evo Search Input" class="evo-form evo-form-padding evo-form-box form-icon form-icon-arrow" />
<input type="submit" class="margin-right-5 position-right z-2 ghost-to-ghost-color button-box-none box-0 box-corner width-auto button-padding-thin text-size-8" value=" " />

A transparent button is in the layer above the form. The arrow is an icon within the form background.